Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Light on Yoga Project.

As a project for myself I have decided to work through Mr. Iyengar's book Light on Yoga. 
What I plan to do is to work the asanam in the order that the appear in the book.  The way I hope to go about this project, is incorporate the asanam as they appear in this book in my daily practice.  As I find an asana in the book I will put it in the appropriate part of my practice.  For instance if the next asana in the book is a twist, then I will use it as a one of the asanam in the twist section of the practice.  This way in time I hope to work through the whole book.  I expect it to take a while.  Along the way I will make notes on my experience.

I started the project out with the first six asanam.
1. Tadasana
In Tadasana I noticed that if was correctly balanced in the asana that my breathing was much easier, and the breath came from the lower part of the tummy.  If I lent forward a little the focal point of my breathing shifted upwards.  Breathing became a little less easy.  The same  thing happened if I lent more on my heals.  The focal point of my breathing seemed to shift downwards, and the breathing was a little more stressful. 
I thought I would see how this worked when I walked around outside.  It took focus to maintain the balance point just in front of my heal.  Boy what a difference it made.  

2. Vrksasana
3. Uttihita Trikonasana (with blocks)
4. Parivrtta Trikonasana (with blocks)
5. Uttihita Parsvakonasana
6. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (with blocks)

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