Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Effects of missing two weeks of Hatha Yoga on Scoliosis.

3rd September, 2008.

Over the past two weeks I have been travelling and I have not been able to practice Hatha Yoga beyond a few sessions of Surya Namaskar.

I can feel my ribs tightening up as my Scoliosis reverts to what it was before I was actively using Hatha Yoga to assuage some of the effects of the scoliosis. I note that my ribs are squeezing together. It seems that my left side is being pulled together. It does feel odd. I note that I feel a little nauseous. Mind you the nausea may just mean that I have had way too much coffee this morning. :)

So the current effects are: my left side is quite tight (as if being squashed together.)
My lower spine has more of a bulge in it.

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