Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hatha Yoga for Scoliosis later on (3rd Sept. '08.)

3rd September, 2008.

After two weeks of not doing much yoga, and none focusing on the scoliosis that I have. I had only a few session of Surya Namaskar during that period. This afternoon I was finely able to work on my scoliosis with an hour of Hatha Yoga.

At the start of the session I could feel pronounced curves in my spine. My back ached, especially my left ribcage close to the spine (in fact I still feel the ache several hours later.)

During the day, as I was out and about with my 4 year old, I was practising deep breathing. In this state I would breath from my lower abdomen all the way up to the top of my chest, and into my back. Trying to fill my lungs without lifting my shoulders up. A true deep breath.

I started out with the intention of using deep breathing as a part of my asanam practice today. The practice began with Surya Namaskar, and boy did I feel stiff. It was rather surprising to me how quickly I loosed up. Not to the same extent as if I had had uninterrupted series of Hatha Yoga sessions, but still it was pleasing.

I will not bore you with the different asanam that I went through. I will say though that Ustrasana (camel) felt especially good, and that when I followed it up with Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge) the muscles on my left side (ribcage) shuddered a little. Quite odd, but not painful. Later on when I was working on Bharadvajasana (I) I could take deeper breaths when twisting to my right side then when twisting to my left side. I also have to keep in mind to lower my shoulders during the practice.

I note that it is sometimes difficult to write after I have finished an asana. At the end of the session the lower "c" is mostly gone.

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