Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday 23rd of January, 2009.

 I just finished Surya Namaskar, Virabhadrasana III balancing flow, and a flow based on Garuadasana.  I got quite warm too...

I am still working on the new flow.  The sequence seems to lack something, and I cant put my 'finger' on what it may be.  Perhaps if I add Virabhadrasana II into the mix, it might add the extra element.  A problem too is that I do not want the flow to be to long.

What I am looking for in this new flow, is a way to get a nice session of Yoga while I am on the traveling.  There are times when we have had to stay in 'hotels' where one would not want to touch the floor (often I am not able to take a mat with me.)   Taking this into account.  I only want to use asanam which do not involve touching the ground with my hands.

The asanam are:
1. Tadasana
2. Urdhva Hastasana
3. Utkatasana
4. Uttanasana I
5. Uttanasana II
6. Uttanasana I
7. Utkatasana
8. Urdhva Hastasana
9. Tadasana
10. Vrksasana
11. Garudasana
12. Virabhadrasana III
13. Tadasana

If anyone has any suggestions of what I might add.  Please let me know.

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