Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hatha Yoga 8th Dec, 2008.

Monday 8th December, 2008.
Weight 167.5

Before Sunrise I did Surya Namaskar and a flow based on Virabhadrasana III.

In the afternoon I worked on Hatha Yoga.

To start the session I repeated my morning sequence to warm my muscles up. In this session I wanted to mainly work on Arm Balances, so starting with Surya Namaskar and the Virabhadrasana III flow is a lovely way to get going.

Arm Balances

One of the things that have helped me with my balance is forming a small hollow in the palms of my hands when I am using them to balance on the floor. It seems the act of making the hollow increases the stability. I do not know if this works for every one, but it does work for me.


When working on this asana I used two bricks, and found that it made quite a difference. The bricks allow me to get the little extra arm length that I need to do the asana. I have also noted that by looking forward a little I am able to balance a little more. I am not craning my head forward, but just a slight tilt of the head. I still need work Lolasana as my wrists ached a little at the finish of this asana.


I had a little problem with this. On the left side I was a little wobbly. I could not balance with my arm in the air, let alone my hand holding my big toe as my leg extends upward! Ha, ha!

The right side was more stable, and I was able to get my arm in the air. I was able to get ahold of my big toe, but there was not much extending going on. I think a part of the problem could be the presentation of my pelvis. I shall try adjusting my posture in the next Arm Balance session.


I was able to work both sides, but it was very sloppy.... There was not the nice 'crisp' feeling that I have when an asana really comes together.

This also felt rather sloppy when the left foot was hooked over the right foot. The odd thing is that often it is the other way about. When the right foot is hooked over the left. I have been traveling a bit, so I have not been able to work on the Arm Balances and it is showing in the performance of my asanam.


Somewhat off balance. It is a little off putting what is missing from my practice, that was there only a few days ago. I suppose my stuffy sinuses may have something to do with my lack of balance.

Parsva Bakasana

This was not to bad. Both sides worked quite well. Thought the left side was a little wobbly. Once I relaxed I could get even more from the form. I was able to extend and the balance was better.



Once my hands were on my heals I relaxed and the asana felt very 'sweet', but not euphoric (that would have been a bad sign.) I had a lovely bend just below my shoulder blades. Holding the asana felt very nice.

Urdhva Dhanurasna

The upward lift was smooth and comfortable. There was a nice arch in my back (or that is the way it seemed.) Breathing was smooth and easy.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

This was not bad, but I was only working with the asana to gain the stretch. The asana still need much work on my part. :)


Ha! Needs work... that is all I can say! :)

I finished off with part of the Sarvangasana Cycle.

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