Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some times the students teaches & sometimes the room teaches.

Yesterday I while teaching a beginners class on Hatha Yoga. I learned that doing a variation on an asana which is easier for the novice to accomplish, was more difficult for me then I expected. 

The asana I was teaching was Vrksasana (Tree asana.)  The student was unable to put her foot on her thigh with comfort, without putting presser on her knee.  I sugested that she move the foot down so that her toes were just above her anckle.  At this point I also move my foot to just above my anckle too.

After we had been in this asana for a few breaths, I noticed that a muscle that I was not really used to using, was 'talking to me.'  That really made me smile, now I am going to add that to my class 'mix.'

The other thing that happend to me, happened when 'the room' was teaching me.  I was working on some hip openers.  I was doing Agnistambhasana (Firelog asana,) and I have been working with that asana for some time.  It is not an easy one for me, but I do it most sessions.  Yesterday I put a blanket under my 'up knee.'  This allowed my leg to get some support, and it almost imediatitly relaxed.  The leg then droped down quite a bit twords my down leg.  I laughed!

The funny thing is (for me) that I do not think twice about using blankets and blocks  during other asanam.  For some reasion, I did not think of it for this ansana...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

...we are just about too watch "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium" :) :( Has anyone seen it before... Help....
This one that is :)
I am looking for a water filtration system. Thinking of this one...
I feel the need to do a head stand and a shoulder stand... Anyone else?


For the past few months I have been meditating every morning, well most mornings any way.  I have generally spent between thirty five and forty five min. a day in meditation.

Today while in my meditation I noticed that while I was working on the Sixth Chakra I noticed that the Chakra was getting rather warm.  This is the first time that I have had an experience like that.  I do not know what it  means, if anything.  During the meditation I tried to ignore the sensation, but it did not go away.

Worked on meditation (the First and Sixth Charkra) and Surya Namaskar. I included twists and arm balances. Now I am drinking Boiled Coffee

Friday, May 1, 2009

I just started reading "Think on These Things" by Krishnamurti. So far it is a great book. I think it i worth reading.
I am heading off to the studio to teach Surya Namaskar. :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I had a good class to night. I taught a nice mix of asanam. Now to bed. I get up a 4:45 am to teach a class of Surya Namaskar before dawn
I am heading out to the Studio to teach a Hatha Yoga class.
I just finished using Hatha Yoga to work on my scoliosis. The lower curve in my spine is much reduced. :) It is pleasing...
I just updated the Yoga4all website I added some of the variations I use when doing Surya Namaskar.
From the BBC, this sounds interesting. "Web tool 'as important as Google'"
Finished meditation [worked the First, Fifth and Six Chakras.] Then I worked on the asanam I added to Surya Namaskar yesterday.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Taking aspirin in your 40s could cut the risk of cancer later
I just spent an hour and a half working out a lesson plan for my Friday class. I think I have to many Arm Balances...
Namaskar, I just finished the morning meditation. I worked on Muladhara (the root Chakra.) Now waiting for the drip coffee.. to bad.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Crooks and Liars" info on the GOP & Swine flu. <a href=""></a>
I finished Meditation (worked on the First, Fifth and Sixth Charkras) and Surya Namaskar with some arm balances to boot. Now boiled coffee.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Current WHO phase of pandemic alert
W.H.O. just move the alert to Phase 4 (according to the BBC.) Fun, fun...
I just finished Surya Namaskar, twists, hip openers and a few arm balances. Got some boiled coffee going too... :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

I just finished Meditation [I worked on the First and Fourth Charkras] and Surya Namaskar. Alas, I am now drinking boiled coffee. :(

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I just finished Surya Namaskar. I added some Arm Balances into the mix! Now I am enjoying some boiled coffee. I feel good! :) Ha.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Watching the "Blackadder Christmas Carol." It is great! LOL
Not having heard 'Axis Bold As Love' before, my 4yr old was able to tell that it was Jimmy Hendrix! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good thing there is no global warming going on! "World's major rivers 'drying up'"
Off to the studio to teach the Noon class..
I just finished Surya Namaskar and Savasana. I am now enjoying some 'boiled' coffee! :) Looking forward to teaching two classes today. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

I just finished and hour of 'Hip openers'. Now I am off to make some tofu stakes... :) Yum..
Of course! "Doctor Who theme wins sci-fi vote"
Here you go "Tasmania's wombat poo paper a hit"
I just finished Meditation on the First, Fifth and Sixth Chakras. Then I followed with Surya Namaskar. I worked on some asanam for class 2

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I just finished Surya Namaskar and Meditation. In meditation I worked on the first and third Chakras. Now I am waiting for my coffee... :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I just got back from teaching a Hatha Yoga class. I must say I had a good time. Now I am going to watch 'House' then have an nap. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

I just finished an hour and a half session of Hatha Yoga working on my scoliosis. I think I have had enough today. :) Now for lunch...
finished Meditation and Surya Namaskar. Soon off to the studio to teach a 6:30 Hatha Yoga class. First though... coffee. ;)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I just finished an hour of hip openers and arm balances. Now off to get Eliza then off to Clumpies for an ice-cream! You?
I just got back from teaching an impromptu class of Restorative Yoga. It seems to have gone well. I hope so. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I just finished working on 'Hip Openers' and 'Arm Balances.' Boy do I feel worked out. I had a great Savasana.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I finished Meditation [worked First, Forth and Sixth Chakra] and did Surya Namaskar. A nice way to start the day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I finished meditation. I worked on the First, Fifth and Sixth Chakras.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Women's 'binge tan' cancer risk
Another reason 4 yoga "Study finds stress link to asthma"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I got home from my YT training last night. I was in transit for 12 hours! I only just awoke. I do have coffee though! :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Just finished Meditation (Root Charkra) and Surya Namaskar. Soon I will be off to the Grayhound to catch the bus to Chattanooga. :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

just finished Surya Namaskar and Meditation. I worked on the First and Fifth Charkras. YT class went well yesteday. Boy was I wrung out!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

After coffee we are off to the Yoga Therapy class for another all day session.
I just finished Meditation (the First and Sixth Chakras), Surya Namaskar and Virabhadrasana 3 balancing flow.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I just got back from the Yoga Therapy class. It started a 8am and went until 6pm. Boy what a day. :) Lots of Yoga!
Finished meditation and the morning Yoga Flow. Now I am off to take my YT classes.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I just finished my first Palates class. I also had a very nice restorative Yoga class. Fun fun..
Today I will start another three day series of classes to become a Yoga Therapist.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I just finished an hour on Hatha Yoga. I worked on opening my hips. Boy was that work... :)
I just finished meditation and Surya Namaskar. Now I am waiting for coffee to boil.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I just finished an hour and a half of Hatha Yoga. Began with Surya Namaskar. Then I worked on Back Bends and Twists. Now off 4 a walk. :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

I have been working on my Hatha Yoga. I finished an hour of Arm Balances. :)
Good Morning. I just finished the morning meditation, and I am moving on to coffee.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I just finished a session of Hatha Yoga. I worked on 'twists,' 'hip openers' and a few 'back bends.'

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here you go: "Longer schooling 'cuts dementia'"

Friday, March 27, 2009

I heard on BBC Radio4 that the remainder of Monty Python are going to get together again!
If you like Kafka, this is funny!
A change coming in Zimbabwe? "Zimbabwe 'to arrest land thieves'"
I just thought I would pass this along "Steaming hot tea linked to cancer "
Indonesia dam burst kills dozens

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I just got back from the Studio, and I have been offered another Hatha Yoga class. That's great! :)
I just spent an hour and a half working on my scoliosis with Hatha Yoga. I feel good! :) Lucky me.
Tinnitus cure 'is a step closer'

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Watching Dr. Who.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Man follows sat nav to cliff edge Ha, ha, ha! watch out @cia_mike
This is interesting "Gene 'has key schizophrenia role' "
Children's sweet tooth explained
finished Hatha Yoga. Worked on twists, arm balances and inversions. I feel worked out. :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Having a 'Sweet Water 420.' Very nice... :)
Enjoy the first day of Spring. :)
I just finished a session of Philosophy and Hatha Yoga. Now coffee.
The birds just started to sing.. must be time to go...
just finished Meditation (worked Chakras) and Surya Namaskar. Now coffee, then the studio.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just finished about an hour of Hatha Yoga working on my scoliosis. Whew. I always feel wrung out after. ;)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Strive for '100 steps per minute'
Finished meditation and then Surya Namaskar followed by some balancing 'flows.' Now awaiting coffee.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I just finished 1.5 hour of Hatha Yoga. Worked on Arm Balances and Hip Openers.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Device turns pink before you do Boy I had had this when I was younger.
'Fat neck' a clue to heart risk
I just saw this on the BBC. Try to get a good nights sleep. Sleep 'influences diabetes risk'
Try to get a good nights sleep. Sleep 'influences diabetes risk'
Vegetarians 'get fewer cancers'

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I have been working on my meditation these past few weeks.  I now do about half an hour in the early morning.  Not a great amount of time, but I do do it every day.

My practice involves using a Yantra and then moving to meditating on the Chakras Muladhara and Anja.

Since I have rekindle my meditation practice, I have found that I am more focused (just as I have heard) and that I am able to find ways resolve problems that I am having.  Also I find that I do not react negatively as quickly when things go awry.  It may happen... but not right away... :)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.

Friday 27th February, 2009.
Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.

While practicing the asanam I consciously move my ribs with my mind.  This helps the ribs to move and works the inter-costal muscles.  Due to the type of scoliosis I have my ribs are stretched apart on the right and bunched together on the left.  I use this process to try to get the ribs back into equilibrium, but as it is a physical issue and not a muscular one. The change is not lasting, so I need to repeat this every few days. The technique  that I use is  I move my right ribs upward, and to create space between my left hand ribs I move them down.   To this I add breathing deeply into my upper back.  This also helps to work the inter-costal muscles, and keep them healthy.

(*"Act: B/R" means "Action: Breath deeply into the back and mentally shifting ribs Ribs (left down and right up.))

1. Nuali Kriya.
2. Tadasana.
Act: B/R
I first worked with this asana with my hands in the Atmanjali (or Namaskaram ) mudra (together at the chest.) With my muscles active (feet, legs, tummy, arms and chest), but not tense. I found that deep breathing was not so easy.  My muscles seemed to tense up especially across my chest, shoulders and make my neck stiff.  Then I moved my hands so that they hung by my sides and the tenseness went away, what remained was he muscular activity.  Deep breathing was easier too.
3. Virabhadrasana II.
Act: B/R
In this asana the right side, knee froward, was more difficult to shift/adjust the ribs then when the left knee was forward.  I also need to work with relaxing my neck in this asana.
4. Uttanasana (supported with blocks.)
Act: B/R
5. Virabhadrasana I
Act: B/R
During the time in this asana my mind wondered a little. :)
6. Virabhadrasana III.
Act: B/R
Oddly the right side was much better at balancing then my left side.  Usually my left side is better at balancing.  With left leg I noticed much stiffness which I do not normally have.
7. Nataraja.
Act: B/R
Both side were ok.  Working on it.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
This felt nice.
9. Ardha Chandrasana.
Act: B/R
10. Vrksasana.
Act: B/R
Not bad, but I could only get in the asana for a few minuets before wobbling out.
11. Garudasana.
Act: B/R
12. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
13. Trikonasana.
Act: B/R
Extended, relaxing, neck good, no excessive twisting :).  As I relaxed in the asana my spine lengthened.
14. Parsvakonasana.
Act: B/R
Nice turn/rotation. The neck was natural (not flat nor extended forward.)  I could feel the ribs shifting.

- I was feeling a little tired and nauseous at this point.

15. Balasana.
Act: B/R
My arms were extended to the 2, 12, and 10 positions.  It felt quite pleasant.
16. Salambhasana.
Act: B/R
17. Dhanurasana.
Act: B/R
18. Sphinx.
Act: B/R
19. Bhujangasana.
Act: B/R

- The jog in my lower spine seem to be reduced,  thought I am not sure.  I still feel a little nauseous.

20. Sukasana twist.
Act: B/R
I got a better twist n my right (pulling my ribs up.)  Then on my left (pulling my ribs down.)
21. Baddha Konasana.
Act: B/R
22. Gomukhasana.
Act: B/R
When the left side elbow was in the air I found that there was more tension in my upper left chest.  Where as with the right side it was comparatively free.  The left side open up after a moment.  The right side to a little time to free up.  Note that with the left side the ribs are close together tending to move upward.  I actively work to move them down ward.  Breathing was also more difficult  when my left elbow was pointed to the sky.
It did feel good doing this asana.
23. Savasana.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Scoliosis Asanam Practice.

Monday 22nd February, 2009.

Hatha Yoga for Scoliosis.
When I started today there was a 'jog' in my spine.
I began the session with Nauli Kriya.

1. Tadasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I had my hands by my sides, I notice a tendency to stiffen my neck.
2. Urdhva Hastasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
The back bend begins just below the shoulder blades.  Avoiding the 'flat neck.'
3. Vrksasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I worked on extending while trying  to keep the clavicles up and the spine of scapula down.  I note that the neck either wants to stick out, or be flat.
4. Uttanasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)

- At this point I am starting to feel a little nauseous.

5. Utkatasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
6. Virabhadrasana II.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I relaxed my hips and was able to sink deeper into the asana.
7. Virabhadrasana I.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
It is not as easy to breath deeply into my back in this asana.
8. Virabhadrasana III.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I had a problem maintaining the arch in my feet.
9. Nataraja (a variant -not sure of the name- arm extended forward.)
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
--Sloppy!- :) LOL
10. Adho Mukha Savasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
Felt lovely, nice spine extension, relaxed neck, arms turned in slightly (plenty of space.)
11. Balasana
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
Arms altenetly in the 2, 12 and 10 o'clock positions.  In each position the arms were extended forward with palms down (shifting ribs.)
12. Lower spine twist (legs crossed.)  (I do not know the sanskrit name.)
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
Back flat on the ground. Knees touch the ground, while head faces the other direction.  Arms straight out, and palms on the floor.
13. Janu Sirsasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
This felt nice, and there was reasonable extension forward.  Relaxed neck.
14. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
This felt rather good.  There was reasonable extension. My over head arm started to tingle after a while.

- I still have a slight 'jog' in my spine.

15. Salamba Sirsasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
It always feels odd, when I move my ribs about in this asana.  It did feel nice though.
16. Balasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
17. Sarvangasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
18. Halasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I was a little tight in the hamstrings.
19. Savasana.
-Very nice.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Scoliosis Update.

It was Thursday, when I last used Hatha Yoga to work on my scoliosis.  Today, Monday, I feel the burning that sensation that I associate with scoliosis.  Each day between Thursday and today I have worked on my Yoga, though not specially directed at the scoliosis.  It seems that four days is too long between sessions.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Scoliosis Blog. 20th Febuary, 2009.

Well as I said in my last blog; I had stopped using Hatha Yoga to work on my scoliosis. When the pain started up again, I thought that perhaps that was not such a good idea. :)

These are the asanam that I started out with. They represent about 2/3 of what I used to do for the scoliosis. During this session I work on moving my right rib cage upwards. The left side of my ribcage I try to move downwards. When I say 'move up or down' I do not mean that I jut my ribs up or down. Rather that I use my mind to adjust my ribs. I find that the effort of moving my ribs for a prolonged period of time rather tiring.

When I began this session, I could feel that there is a 'jog' to the right in my lower spine.

1. Mararyasana and Bitilasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Be carful not to jut the lower ribs out. Keep the back broad.
2. Vajrasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.
3. Three part bar stretch.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.
4. Balasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. I stretched my extended arms to the left (palms on the floor) out in front to me. My hands stretched out in front of me as if taking in the carpet. This just to get a bit more of an extension. Then doing the same thing, I moved to the left, center (again) then to the right. I mentally moved my ribs and extended my spine. This action created space on my left (where the pain is,) and brought together my right rib cage.
5. Utthita Trikonasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. As I relax in the asana, and take advantage of the deep breathing I was able to extend my spine. Smiling helps, it helps you relax. I alway like to start out with blocks. The blocks give you the time to expand and relax, then as you 'warm' into the asanam you can discard the blocks.
6. Virabhadrasana I.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. I created an arch in my upper back, just below the shoulder blades.
7. Utthita Parsvakonasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. When I adjusted my ribs I find that get much greater intention in my spine.

- At this point I am feeling a little nauseous. This (I understand) is due to the physical manipulation of my ribs, and the stretching of the intercostal muscles.

8. Ardha Chandrasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.

- As I check my spine, I find that the 'jog' in my lower spine is reduced.

9. Ardha Adho Mukha Vriksasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. This was just 'ok.' I have had better experiences with this asana in the past.
10. Sirsasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.
11. Balasana.
12. Parivrtta Trikonasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. I used blocks for my hands. I could not maintain the integrity of the asana without them.

- I still feel a little nauseous.

13. Backbend over bolster.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. The bend in the back was just under the shoulder blades
14. Sarvangasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.

- I feel rather tired now. I had forgotten the effort that I have to put into this technique.

15. Savasana.
This was very nice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yoga and Scoliosis Experiment.

I have scoliosis and I have been doing a bit of an experiment on my self. I have a rather mild form of Thoracic Scoliosis. Though I have always gotten a burning sensation in my ribs (on the left side of the spine) I took it to be a torn muscle or cramp. As the pain comes and goes depending on activity, I did not think to much about it. It was not until I was studying to become a Yoga teacher that I found out about the scoliosis.

Last year I was given a copy of Elise B. Millers video on Yoga for Scoliosis. I used the information on the tape along with the suggestions given to me by my teacher Deborah Perry ( who first told me I had scoliosis) for many months. During this time I found relief form the pain of the Scoliosis. After using Hatha Yoga to work on the Scoliosis for a while. I decided to stop using the adjustments that I had added to my yoga practice. I wanted to see if I could just use my normal practice to maintain the alignment in my spine and ribcage. Well it has now been about three months since I stopped making the adjustments to my spine. Over time I have felt the pain slowly creep back. At first it was very slight. Then today while I was making naan with my 4 year old the pain hit me full force. Well at least I know...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Note on Yoga Therapy Weekend.

I had a great long weekend. It was spent studying to be a Yoga Therapist with Deborah Perry at The Yoga Center of Jackson ( .)

This session lasted thee days, and you have to complete three sessions to be certified. It takes about 75 hours to finish the program.

I enjoyed talking to all of the people I met. There were about 16 of us all together and most [if not all] of us were Hatha Yoga teachers.

The day started with meditation and pranayama. Then asanam practice, the study of anatomy and phycology. We worked on yoga remedies for various physical issues, and the limitations. The days generally concluded with philosophical discussions and rounded off with meditation.

Fun, fun.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday 23rd of January, 2009.

 I just finished Surya Namaskar, Virabhadrasana III balancing flow, and a flow based on Garuadasana.  I got quite warm too...

I am still working on the new flow.  The sequence seems to lack something, and I cant put my 'finger' on what it may be.  Perhaps if I add Virabhadrasana II into the mix, it might add the extra element.  A problem too is that I do not want the flow to be to long.

What I am looking for in this new flow, is a way to get a nice session of Yoga while I am on the traveling.  There are times when we have had to stay in 'hotels' where one would not want to touch the floor (often I am not able to take a mat with me.)   Taking this into account.  I only want to use asanam which do not involve touching the ground with my hands.

The asanam are:
1. Tadasana
2. Urdhva Hastasana
3. Utkatasana
4. Uttanasana I
5. Uttanasana II
6. Uttanasana I
7. Utkatasana
8. Urdhva Hastasana
9. Tadasana
10. Vrksasana
11. Garudasana
12. Virabhadrasana III
13. Tadasana

If anyone has any suggestions of what I might add.  Please let me know.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I worked on Pranayama and meditation; which was followed by a 'sweet' Savasana I.

Thursday 22nd January, 2009.

06:35 Finished Surya Namaskar, Virabhadrasana III Balancing flow and a flow revolving around Garudasana. I feel very good! :)

I am working on a new flow that I can use while I am traveling. I would like to avoid prolonged touching of the ground with my hands during the flow.

This new flow revolves around Garudasana and Virabhadrasana III. It includes:

Tadasana, Urdhva Hastasana, Utkatasana, Uttanasana I, Uttanasana II (flat back), Vrksasana, Garudasana, Virabhadrasana III.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday 21st January, 2009.

A.M. Finished Surya Namaskar and Virabhadrasana 3 Balancing flow...

Yesterday afternoon I worked on standing asanam, arm balances and backbends.  I was a two thirds through my 'program' when I felt quite tired.  Generally this session takes me two hours + to get through, and I get through it with diffaculty.  Yesterday I just felt sappet.  I cut the session short and had a long Savasana 1.

Your body will tell you when to stop, if you are listening... :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20th January, 2009. The Big day!!

Finished Surya Namaskar and Virabhadrasana III Balancing flow. :)  Not long now... soon there will be a change!

Monday, January 19, 2009

P.M. on the 19th.

Just finished a short 45min session of Yoga.  Looking forward to a long session tomorrow.

Monday 19th January, 2008.

Started the morning with Surya Namaskar and Virabhadrasana III balancing flow.  Boy do I feel warm this morning... Now on for coffee. ;)