Friday 27th February, 2009.
Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.
While practicing the asanam I consciously move my ribs with my mind. This helps the ribs to move and works the inter-costal muscles. Due to the type of scoliosis I have my ribs are stretched apart on the right and bunched together on the left. I use this process to try to get the ribs back into equilibrium, but as it is a physical issue and not a muscular one. The change is not lasting, so I need to repeat this every few days. The technique that I use is I move my right ribs upward, and to create space between my left hand ribs I move them down. To this I add breathing deeply into my upper back. This also helps to work the inter-costal muscles, and keep them healthy.
(*"Act: B/R" means "Action: Breath deeply into the back and mentally shifting ribs Ribs (left down and right up.))
1. Nuali Kriya.
2. Tadasana.
Act: B/R
I first worked with this asana with my hands in the Atmanjali (or Namaskaram ) mudra (together at the chest.) With my muscles active (feet, legs, tummy, arms and chest), but not tense. I found that deep breathing was not so easy. My muscles seemed to tense up especially across my chest, shoulders and make my neck stiff. Then I moved my hands so that they hung by my sides and the tenseness went away, what remained was he muscular activity. Deep breathing was easier too.
3. Virabhadrasana II.
Act: B/R
In this asana the right side, knee froward, was more difficult to shift/adjust the ribs then when the left knee was forward. I also need to work with relaxing my neck in this asana.
4. Uttanasana (supported with blocks.)
Act: B/R
5. Virabhadrasana I
Act: B/R
During the time in this asana my mind wondered a little. :)
6. Virabhadrasana III.
Act: B/R
Oddly the right side was much better at balancing then my left side. Usually my left side is better at balancing. With left leg I noticed much stiffness which I do not normally have.
7. Nataraja.
Act: B/R
Both side were ok. Working on it.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
This felt nice.
9. Ardha Chandrasana.
Act: B/R
10. Vrksasana.
Act: B/R
Not bad, but I could only get in the asana for a few minuets before wobbling out.
11. Garudasana.
Act: B/R
12. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
13. Trikonasana.
Act: B/R
Extended, relaxing, neck good, no excessive twisting :). As I relaxed in the asana my spine lengthened.
14. Parsvakonasana.
Act: B/R
Nice turn/rotation. The neck was natural (not flat nor extended forward.) I could feel the ribs shifting.
- I was feeling a little tired and nauseous at this point.
15. Balasana.
Act: B/R
My arms were extended to the 2, 12, and 10 positions. It felt quite pleasant.
16. Salambhasana.
Act: B/R
17. Dhanurasana.
Act: B/R
18. Sphinx.
Act: B/R
19. Bhujangasana.
Act: B/R
- The jog in my lower spine seem to be reduced, thought I am not sure. I still feel a little nauseous.
20. Sukasana twist.
Act: B/R
I got a better twist n my right (pulling my ribs up.) Then on my left (pulling my ribs down.)
21. Baddha Konasana.
Act: B/R
22. Gomukhasana.
Act: B/R
When the left side elbow was in the air I found that there was more tension in my upper left chest. Where as with the right side it was comparatively free. The left side open up after a moment. The right side to a little time to free up. Note that with the left side the ribs are close together tending to move upward. I actively work to move them down ward. Breathing was also more difficult when my left elbow was pointed to the sky.
It did feel good doing this asana.
23. Savasana.

Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.
While practicing the asanam I consciously move my ribs with my mind. This helps the ribs to move and works the inter-costal muscles. Due to the type of scoliosis I have my ribs are stretched apart on the right and bunched together on the left. I use this process to try to get the ribs back into equilibrium, but as it is a physical issue and not a muscular one. The change is not lasting, so I need to repeat this every few days. The technique that I use is I move my right ribs upward, and to create space between my left hand ribs I move them down. To this I add breathing deeply into my upper back. This also helps to work the inter-costal muscles, and keep them healthy.
(*"Act: B/R" means "Action: Breath deeply into the back and mentally shifting ribs Ribs (left down and right up.))
1. Nuali Kriya.
2. Tadasana.
Act: B/R
I first worked with this asana with my hands in the Atmanjali (or Namaskaram ) mudra (together at the chest.) With my muscles active (feet, legs, tummy, arms and chest), but not tense. I found that deep breathing was not so easy. My muscles seemed to tense up especially across my chest, shoulders and make my neck stiff. Then I moved my hands so that they hung by my sides and the tenseness went away, what remained was he muscular activity. Deep breathing was easier too.
3. Virabhadrasana II.
Act: B/R
In this asana the right side, knee froward, was more difficult to shift/adjust the ribs then when the left knee was forward. I also need to work with relaxing my neck in this asana.
4. Uttanasana (supported with blocks.)
Act: B/R
5. Virabhadrasana I
Act: B/R
During the time in this asana my mind wondered a little. :)
6. Virabhadrasana III.
Act: B/R
Oddly the right side was much better at balancing then my left side. Usually my left side is better at balancing. With left leg I noticed much stiffness which I do not normally have.
7. Nataraja.
Act: B/R
Both side were ok. Working on it.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
This felt nice.
9. Ardha Chandrasana.
Act: B/R
10. Vrksasana.
Act: B/R
Not bad, but I could only get in the asana for a few minuets before wobbling out.
11. Garudasana.
Act: B/R
12. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
13. Trikonasana.
Act: B/R
Extended, relaxing, neck good, no excessive twisting :). As I relaxed in the asana my spine lengthened.
14. Parsvakonasana.
Act: B/R
Nice turn/rotation. The neck was natural (not flat nor extended forward.) I could feel the ribs shifting.
- I was feeling a little tired and nauseous at this point.
15. Balasana.
Act: B/R
My arms were extended to the 2, 12, and 10 positions. It felt quite pleasant.
16. Salambhasana.
Act: B/R
17. Dhanurasana.
Act: B/R
18. Sphinx.
Act: B/R
19. Bhujangasana.
Act: B/R
- The jog in my lower spine seem to be reduced, thought I am not sure. I still feel a little nauseous.
20. Sukasana twist.
Act: B/R
I got a better twist n my right (pulling my ribs up.) Then on my left (pulling my ribs down.)
21. Baddha Konasana.
Act: B/R
22. Gomukhasana.
Act: B/R
When the left side elbow was in the air I found that there was more tension in my upper left chest. Where as with the right side it was comparatively free. The left side open up after a moment. The right side to a little time to free up. Note that with the left side the ribs are close together tending to move upward. I actively work to move them down ward. Breathing was also more difficult when my left elbow was pointed to the sky.
It did feel good doing this asana.
23. Savasana.
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