Observations on Tadasana plus Yoga and Scoliosis.
I noticed that when working with Tadasana, that when I stand correctly i.e. feet together (heals apart) weight just in front of heals, toes spread, arches and knees lifted, legs active, hips and pelvis relaxed, spine relaxed and extended gently upwards, shoulders, arms and hands (by your sides, palms facing thighs) relaxed, neck extend (as a part of my spine) and relaxed, head relaxed and ears over shoulders, chin slightly tucked inwards. When this was done I noticed that I had more energetic activity in the palm my hands.
Just to see if this energetic activity in my hand was my imagination I shifted my head so that my ears were no longer over my shoulders. Thus my spine was no longer alined. When I did this the energy in my hands shifted from the palm of my hands and into my fingers. Thought I was able to detect energy in my fingers before, it was not as strong as when I moved my ears from the plain of my shoulders. The reasion for this was that when my spine went out of alignment (by moving my head) the flow of energy from the energy centre (bubbling well) in my feet were diminished. This energy centre is located just in front of your heal. It is important that you maintain good alignment, so that all of your energy centres align. That the energy centres in you feet and hand connect.
When you stand in Tadasana your body lines up and the energy flows properly. It is important that you do not strain, as that will also diminish the flow of energy in you body.
Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.
When I started this morning I had a slight 'jog' in my lower lumbar.
I started the session out with Surya Namaskar, just for a change of pace. Though I took longer in the 'flow' so that I could make the adjustments to my spine for the scoliosis. Basically I shift my ribcage (mentally rather then jogging my shoulder up or down) so that it is more aligned then normal. I could also spend more time with the deep breathing.
From Surya Namaskar I moved into my normal practice, making allowances for my specific practice when working with Scoliosis.
Observations on some of the asanam.
Ardha Chandrasana with blocks:
The Right side was a little wobbly, but not at all bad. The left side went very well. I was quite pleased. On both sides I was able to relax (eventually on the right) and breathe deeply. I was also able to make the adjustments to my ribs.
Parivrtta Tirkonasana with blocks:
This also went well. I was able to relax quite nicely into this asana. Breathing and rib alignment were a success.
When I was doing a passive backbend over a bolster, I noticed that I was feeling rather emotional. This was about half way through the series that I was doing. I also felt a bit nausious.
At the end of the session, the 'jog' in my lower lumber was gone.
Time spent: A little over two hours.
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