Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yoga for Scoliosis with arm balances.

Wednesday 1st October, 2008.
Yoga and Scoliosis.

In the a.m. I worked on Surya Namaskar I also included a Virabhadrasana III balancing flow. Both sides of the balancing asanam went well. Sometimes one side or the other is a little wobbly.

In the afternoon I was able to get in the time to practice. Over the past couple of days my routine has been a little off. I was able to make the time, by practising while my stew was stewing. All I had to do was to check on it in between sections in my session.

When I started out there was a slight jog in my spine, but it was only a slight one.

Over the past few days I fined that the pain in the area just under shoulder blade (the rhomboids?) between the medial (vertebral) border and the inferior angle of the scapula. Ha! I said it! So that issue is one that I am working on.

As I work trough my practice today I breath deeply into my back, and adjust my ribs (up on the right side, and down on the left side.)

Into my normal mix of yoga I added some arm balances:

  • Lolasana. This went well, but could not adds the rib adjustment to the asana.

  • Vasisthasana. The asana did not go to badly, but I could on lift the leg all the way up without tipping over! :)

  • Astavakrasana. Astavakrasana did not go to badly, but the right side was much weaker then the left side... I am right handed too...

  • Bhujapidasana. Did not really work... My balance was way off... This promises to be much fun for me.

  • Bakasana. Just where was my balance... I think it went on holiday... Work, work!

    Towards the end of this session, I was feeling a little nausious. Seems to be par for the course.

    While I was working on the balancing poses my four year old was asking me what I was doing. This was while my face was hitting the bolster (for the third time) in front of me. She wanted to practice too. Fortunately I was able to get her to wait till I was doing the prone and twisting asanam.

    What a session!
  • 1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    Hey there

    I have done Yoga for Scoliosis for many years. I had Scoliosis surgery with a Harrington rod in 1989 and have had issues ever since.

    I started spine school last night and learnt some new moves, I slept well last night and woke with relatively less pain this morning.

    Considering I have a harrington rod from T5 to L1 I can touch my toes and have great hamstrings, all due to the Yoga.

    Take care :)