Hatha Yoga. Non scoliosis session.
I started the session out rather stiff, however adding deep breathing to the asanam really seems to help. :) During this practice I continued spending longer in each asana.
During Bharadvajasana I note that my right side is a lot more flexible then my left side. Deep breathing is a lot easier on the right too. When performing Bharadvajasana I can really feel the effects of the scoliosis on my body. If I do not adjust my body, i.e. adjust my right ribs upwards, and my left ribs downwards, I can not really manage the deep breathing I need to do. Nor perform the asana properly. Another point that I have picked up on is that when doing twists, it is better to start out on the right, and then do the left side. The reason for this is the location of the intestines [upper and lower colon], and the way food is processed. Apparently twisting to the right side works the higher portion of the intestine then the twisting on the left side (which works a lower portion of the intestine.) So food moves from right to left, so (as I understand it) you should twist the right side (starting from you tummy, and working the twist upward) then do the left side.
A few hours after this session the scoliosis is acting up. I wish I had been able to keep up my practice while travelling around Ohio and Virginia. I can't imagine what it must be like for people who have scoliosis really badly.
5th September, 2008.
Used Hatha Yoga to work on the Scoliosis.
I can feel a curve in my lower spine. My ribcage does not ache like it did yesterday. I started out with Pranayama and Meditation then moved on to Hatha Yoga.
The practice went well and I did not have any problems (in general) with the deep breathing generally.
Ardha Chandrasana and Virabhadrasana III went well. Though I should have started the balancing asanam earlier on in the session. Astavakrasana was not too bad. It is interesting to me that my right side is weaker then my left, given that I am right. handed. Lolasana weak, but I did it. I could not manage the deep breathing. When I got to Bakasana I was just too tired. :) So I moved on. By this point in the session the 'c' in my lower spine had mostly gone. I finished up with the Sarvangasana Cycle and Savasana.
Two and a half hours later I could feel the curve in my spine. My left ribcage aches a little from time to time. The sensation is rather like a tightness in my ribs.
6th September, 2008.
I took the day off (so to speak.) I only did Surya Namaskar in the morning. By 8 p.m. my ribs (left side) were aching quite a bit.
When I went to bed my ribcage was still aching. I noticed that if I lay flat on my back. The aching lessened. I then tried laying on my right side (left knee on right.) That was better still. I then reversed the side so I was on my left and that felt the best. The aching almost went away and I was the most comfortable. It was interesting to me that I felt the best when the presser of my body was on the ribs that were aching.
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