Yesterday I had an interesting experience today while walking Bunny (our family dog.)
I happened to be paying attention to my breath as it passed through my nostrils, when the change in air flow happened.
I just happened to be 'present' when the shift happened from the Pingla (the right side of the nostril) to the Ida (the left side of the nostril. ) Though it happens all the time, for me it was very neat. :)
Another interesting thing that happened. Later on in the day, after a long session of asanam. I noticed that my breathing pattern had changed again. Though this time the breath was coming equally through the Pingla and Ida. Then about 30 min after the session, my breath then reverted to the original breathing pattern. Shifting from the Pingla to the Ida and so on.
Funny I never noticed this before. It also seems that I need to have had a lengthy session to have this effect. For instance, this morning during my AM practice, which is only 30 min (or so.) I did not have this experience, so I shall have to see what happens this afternoon during the longer set.
Learning something new… Boy!

I happened to be paying attention to my breath as it passed through my nostrils, when the change in air flow happened.
I just happened to be 'present' when the shift happened from the Pingla (the right side of the nostril) to the Ida (the left side of the nostril. ) Though it happens all the time, for me it was very neat. :)
Another interesting thing that happened. Later on in the day, after a long session of asanam. I noticed that my breathing pattern had changed again. Though this time the breath was coming equally through the Pingla and Ida. Then about 30 min after the session, my breath then reverted to the original breathing pattern. Shifting from the Pingla to the Ida and so on.
Funny I never noticed this before. It also seems that I need to have had a lengthy session to have this effect. For instance, this morning during my AM practice, which is only 30 min (or so.) I did not have this experience, so I shall have to see what happens this afternoon during the longer set.
Learning something new… Boy!
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