5th August, 2010.
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (p.94)
This asana worked the hips very, and they got a great stretch.
My left side was more supple then my right side. This may have something to do with the scoliosis.
During the asana I used blocks to get to the floor. I could put the length of my fingers on the floor, but not my whole hand.
Extended my spine which helped.
Another thing that I found which helped me, was to move the muscles in my quadriceps on the standing leg. This helps with the forward folding, and tucking the heal of the other foot into the abdomen.
Relaxing the abdomen helps with the forward fold.
Be sure to not overdo the forward fold when you have your heal in the abdomen. This can result in strain or discomfort after the asana is over.
Garudasana (p.97)
I could feel the stretch on the sides of my trunk. My hips opened as my feet and ankle wrapped around the standing leg.
Overall this was a very pleasant stretch.
Shoulders relaxed nicely, and my elbows were around the level of the chin.
Spine extended from the heart up wards.
Keeping the arches of the feet active helped with the stability of the asana.

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (p.94)
This asana worked the hips very, and they got a great stretch.
My left side was more supple then my right side. This may have something to do with the scoliosis.
During the asana I used blocks to get to the floor. I could put the length of my fingers on the floor, but not my whole hand.
Extended my spine which helped.
Another thing that I found which helped me, was to move the muscles in my quadriceps on the standing leg. This helps with the forward folding, and tucking the heal of the other foot into the abdomen.
Relaxing the abdomen helps with the forward fold.
Be sure to not overdo the forward fold when you have your heal in the abdomen. This can result in strain or discomfort after the asana is over.
Garudasana (p.97)
I could feel the stretch on the sides of my trunk. My hips opened as my feet and ankle wrapped around the standing leg.
Overall this was a very pleasant stretch.
Shoulders relaxed nicely, and my elbows were around the level of the chin.
Spine extended from the heart up wards.
Keeping the arches of the feet active helped with the stability of the asana.
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