Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.

Friday 27th February, 2009.
Hatha Yoga and Scoliosis.

While practicing the asanam I consciously move my ribs with my mind.  This helps the ribs to move and works the inter-costal muscles.  Due to the type of scoliosis I have my ribs are stretched apart on the right and bunched together on the left.  I use this process to try to get the ribs back into equilibrium, but as it is a physical issue and not a muscular one. The change is not lasting, so I need to repeat this every few days. The technique  that I use is  I move my right ribs upward, and to create space between my left hand ribs I move them down.   To this I add breathing deeply into my upper back.  This also helps to work the inter-costal muscles, and keep them healthy.

(*"Act: B/R" means "Action: Breath deeply into the back and mentally shifting ribs Ribs (left down and right up.))

1. Nuali Kriya.
2. Tadasana.
Act: B/R
I first worked with this asana with my hands in the Atmanjali (or Namaskaram ) mudra (together at the chest.) With my muscles active (feet, legs, tummy, arms and chest), but not tense. I found that deep breathing was not so easy.  My muscles seemed to tense up especially across my chest, shoulders and make my neck stiff.  Then I moved my hands so that they hung by my sides and the tenseness went away, what remained was he muscular activity.  Deep breathing was easier too.
3. Virabhadrasana II.
Act: B/R
In this asana the right side, knee froward, was more difficult to shift/adjust the ribs then when the left knee was forward.  I also need to work with relaxing my neck in this asana.
4. Uttanasana (supported with blocks.)
Act: B/R
5. Virabhadrasana I
Act: B/R
During the time in this asana my mind wondered a little. :)
6. Virabhadrasana III.
Act: B/R
Oddly the right side was much better at balancing then my left side.  Usually my left side is better at balancing.  With left leg I noticed much stiffness which I do not normally have.
7. Nataraja.
Act: B/R
Both side were ok.  Working on it.
8. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
This felt nice.
9. Ardha Chandrasana.
Act: B/R
10. Vrksasana.
Act: B/R
Not bad, but I could only get in the asana for a few minuets before wobbling out.
11. Garudasana.
Act: B/R
12. Adho Mukha Svanasana.
Act: B/R
13. Trikonasana.
Act: B/R
Extended, relaxing, neck good, no excessive twisting :).  As I relaxed in the asana my spine lengthened.
14. Parsvakonasana.
Act: B/R
Nice turn/rotation. The neck was natural (not flat nor extended forward.)  I could feel the ribs shifting.

- I was feeling a little tired and nauseous at this point.

15. Balasana.
Act: B/R
My arms were extended to the 2, 12, and 10 positions.  It felt quite pleasant.
16. Salambhasana.
Act: B/R
17. Dhanurasana.
Act: B/R
18. Sphinx.
Act: B/R
19. Bhujangasana.
Act: B/R

- The jog in my lower spine seem to be reduced,  thought I am not sure.  I still feel a little nauseous.

20. Sukasana twist.
Act: B/R
I got a better twist n my right (pulling my ribs up.)  Then on my left (pulling my ribs down.)
21. Baddha Konasana.
Act: B/R
22. Gomukhasana.
Act: B/R
When the left side elbow was in the air I found that there was more tension in my upper left chest.  Where as with the right side it was comparatively free.  The left side open up after a moment.  The right side to a little time to free up.  Note that with the left side the ribs are close together tending to move upward.  I actively work to move them down ward.  Breathing was also more difficult  when my left elbow was pointed to the sky.
It did feel good doing this asana.
23. Savasana.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Scoliosis Asanam Practice.

Monday 22nd February, 2009.

Hatha Yoga for Scoliosis.
When I started today there was a 'jog' in my spine.
I began the session with Nauli Kriya.

1. Tadasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I had my hands by my sides, I notice a tendency to stiffen my neck.
2. Urdhva Hastasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
The back bend begins just below the shoulder blades.  Avoiding the 'flat neck.'
3. Vrksasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I worked on extending while trying  to keep the clavicles up and the spine of scapula down.  I note that the neck either wants to stick out, or be flat.
4. Uttanasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)

- At this point I am starting to feel a little nauseous.

5. Utkatasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
6. Virabhadrasana II.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I relaxed my hips and was able to sink deeper into the asana.
7. Virabhadrasana I.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
It is not as easy to breath deeply into my back in this asana.
8. Virabhadrasana III.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I had a problem maintaining the arch in my feet.
9. Nataraja (a variant -not sure of the name- arm extended forward.)
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
--Sloppy!- :) LOL
10. Adho Mukha Savasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
Felt lovely, nice spine extension, relaxed neck, arms turned in slightly (plenty of space.)
11. Balasana
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
Arms altenetly in the 2, 12 and 10 o'clock positions.  In each position the arms were extended forward with palms down (shifting ribs.)
12. Lower spine twist (legs crossed.)  (I do not know the sanskrit name.)
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
Back flat on the ground. Knees touch the ground, while head faces the other direction.  Arms straight out, and palms on the floor.
13. Janu Sirsasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
This felt nice, and there was reasonable extension forward.  Relaxed neck.
14. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
This felt rather good.  There was reasonable extension. My over head arm started to tingle after a while.

- I still have a slight 'jog' in my spine.

15. Salamba Sirsasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
It always feels odd, when I move my ribs about in this asana.  It did feel nice though.
16. Balasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
17. Sarvangasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
18. Halasana.
Action: Deep breathing into the back. Mentally shifting ribs (left down & right up.)
I was a little tight in the hamstrings.
19. Savasana.
-Very nice.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Scoliosis Update.

It was Thursday, when I last used Hatha Yoga to work on my scoliosis.  Today, Monday, I feel the burning that sensation that I associate with scoliosis.  Each day between Thursday and today I have worked on my Yoga, though not specially directed at the scoliosis.  It seems that four days is too long between sessions.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Scoliosis Blog. 20th Febuary, 2009.

Well as I said in my last blog; I had stopped using Hatha Yoga to work on my scoliosis. When the pain started up again, I thought that perhaps that was not such a good idea. :)

These are the asanam that I started out with. They represent about 2/3 of what I used to do for the scoliosis. During this session I work on moving my right rib cage upwards. The left side of my ribcage I try to move downwards. When I say 'move up or down' I do not mean that I jut my ribs up or down. Rather that I use my mind to adjust my ribs. I find that the effort of moving my ribs for a prolonged period of time rather tiring.

When I began this session, I could feel that there is a 'jog' to the right in my lower spine.

1. Mararyasana and Bitilasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Be carful not to jut the lower ribs out. Keep the back broad.
2. Vajrasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.
3. Three part bar stretch.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.
4. Balasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. I stretched my extended arms to the left (palms on the floor) out in front to me. My hands stretched out in front of me as if taking in the carpet. This just to get a bit more of an extension. Then doing the same thing, I moved to the left, center (again) then to the right. I mentally moved my ribs and extended my spine. This action created space on my left (where the pain is,) and brought together my right rib cage.
5. Utthita Trikonasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. As I relax in the asana, and take advantage of the deep breathing I was able to extend my spine. Smiling helps, it helps you relax. I alway like to start out with blocks. The blocks give you the time to expand and relax, then as you 'warm' into the asanam you can discard the blocks.
6. Virabhadrasana I.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. I created an arch in my upper back, just below the shoulder blades.
7. Utthita Parsvakonasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. When I adjusted my ribs I find that get much greater intention in my spine.

- At this point I am feeling a little nauseous. This (I understand) is due to the physical manipulation of my ribs, and the stretching of the intercostal muscles.

8. Ardha Chandrasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.

- As I check my spine, I find that the 'jog' in my lower spine is reduced.

9. Ardha Adho Mukha Vriksasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. This was just 'ok.' I have had better experiences with this asana in the past.
10. Sirsasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.
11. Balasana.
12. Parivrtta Trikonasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down. I used blocks for my hands. I could not maintain the integrity of the asana without them.

- I still feel a little nauseous.

13. Backbend over bolster.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. The bend in the back was just under the shoulder blades
14. Sarvangasana.
Action: Breathing into my upper back, and expanding ribcage. Shifted my ribs up and down.

- I feel rather tired now. I had forgotten the effort that I have to put into this technique.

15. Savasana.
This was very nice.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yoga and Scoliosis Experiment.

I have scoliosis and I have been doing a bit of an experiment on my self. I have a rather mild form of Thoracic Scoliosis. Though I have always gotten a burning sensation in my ribs (on the left side of the spine) I took it to be a torn muscle or cramp. As the pain comes and goes depending on activity, I did not think to much about it. It was not until I was studying to become a Yoga teacher that I found out about the scoliosis.

Last year I was given a copy of Elise B. Millers video on Yoga for Scoliosis. I used the information on the tape along with the suggestions given to me by my teacher Deborah Perry ( who first told me I had scoliosis) for many months. During this time I found relief form the pain of the Scoliosis. After using Hatha Yoga to work on the Scoliosis for a while. I decided to stop using the adjustments that I had added to my yoga practice. I wanted to see if I could just use my normal practice to maintain the alignment in my spine and ribcage. Well it has now been about three months since I stopped making the adjustments to my spine. Over time I have felt the pain slowly creep back. At first it was very slight. Then today while I was making naan with my 4 year old the pain hit me full force. Well at least I know...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Note on Yoga Therapy Weekend.

I had a great long weekend. It was spent studying to be a Yoga Therapist with Deborah Perry at The Yoga Center of Jackson ( .)

This session lasted thee days, and you have to complete three sessions to be certified. It takes about 75 hours to finish the program.

I enjoyed talking to all of the people I met. There were about 16 of us all together and most [if not all] of us were Hatha Yoga teachers.

The day started with meditation and pranayama. Then asanam practice, the study of anatomy and phycology. We worked on yoga remedies for various physical issues, and the limitations. The days generally concluded with philosophical discussions and rounded off with meditation.

Fun, fun.