Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some times the students teaches & sometimes the room teaches.

Yesterday I while teaching a beginners class on Hatha Yoga. I learned that doing a variation on an asana which is easier for the novice to accomplish, was more difficult for me then I expected. 

The asana I was teaching was Vrksasana (Tree asana.)  The student was unable to put her foot on her thigh with comfort, without putting presser on her knee.  I sugested that she move the foot down so that her toes were just above her anckle.  At this point I also move my foot to just above my anckle too.

After we had been in this asana for a few breaths, I noticed that a muscle that I was not really used to using, was 'talking to me.'  That really made me smile, now I am going to add that to my class 'mix.'

The other thing that happend to me, happened when 'the room' was teaching me.  I was working on some hip openers.  I was doing Agnistambhasana (Firelog asana,) and I have been working with that asana for some time.  It is not an easy one for me, but I do it most sessions.  Yesterday I put a blanket under my 'up knee.'  This allowed my leg to get some support, and it almost imediatitly relaxed.  The leg then droped down quite a bit twords my down leg.  I laughed!

The funny thing is (for me) that I do not think twice about using blankets and blocks  during other asanam.  For some reasion, I did not think of it for this ansana...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

...we are just about too watch "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium" :) :( Has anyone seen it before... Help....
This one that is :)
I am looking for a water filtration system. Thinking of this one...
I feel the need to do a head stand and a shoulder stand... Anyone else?


For the past few months I have been meditating every morning, well most mornings any way.  I have generally spent between thirty five and forty five min. a day in meditation.

Today while in my meditation I noticed that while I was working on the Sixth Chakra I noticed that the Chakra was getting rather warm.  This is the first time that I have had an experience like that.  I do not know what it  means, if anything.  During the meditation I tried to ignore the sensation, but it did not go away.

Worked on meditation (the First and Sixth Charkra) and Surya Namaskar. I included twists and arm balances. Now I am drinking Boiled Coffee

Friday, May 1, 2009

I just started reading "Think on These Things" by Krishnamurti. So far it is a great book. I think it i worth reading.
I am heading off to the studio to teach Surya Namaskar. :)